Shift the blame when you lose the game


Do you remember the day when you promised yourself that you’ll get it done?

You were so excited that you told everyone that you were going to do it. You made a schedule on the back of your notebook, posted a motivational quote on facebook, made a killer inspirational whatsapp status and then …. then you lost.

What happened? Did your responsibilities came in between? Did the destiny screw you? Did the universe interfere?

No, no, no. YOU………… (fill your name) SCREWED IT UP. Acknowledge at least.

You started blaming your family, friends, society, nation and every other element of the vast universe except “the unique heavenly snowflake” – yourself.

Before blaming others, ask yourself brother-

Did you gave it hundred percent of your full potential?

Were you consistent?

Did you devote all your time of Television and Internet Browsing on your work?

Didn’t you really give it up?

Did you even start?

You’ve got your answer.

Shift the blame to yourself, NOW.

It is the confession, not the priest that gives us absolution. – Oscar Wilde



Related Reads-

Straight line is the Shortest Distance

Learn to Fly : Say No




Shift the blame when you lose the game